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How to Tie a Cape Knot Step by Step

I believe you'll agree with me that most men do not know how to tie a tie. It's one of the things they find difficult aside from wooing a woman.

Why? Ummm…. Well, maybe no one has ever taught them how. Seriously speaking, knotting a tie isn't such a difficult thing to do if you know what kind of knot you intend to tie and how to tie it.

 how to tie a tie - 41 ways to knot a tie
A Striped Bow Tie

There's one way to salvage the situation. This article you're about to read right now will open your eyes to the different types of tie knots, and how to tie each of them with the accompanying video tutorials. Additionally, we've also added infographics to each necktie knot type.

If you're a student/perhaps you know a student that needs to knot his tie every morning before going to school, refer them to this article. It's for them.

If your husband suits up every morning, one necktie knot may make him look boring. But how about adorning a different necktie knot each day of the month for the next one month? Sounds cool, right? Share this article with them.

Without much ado, let's begin.

The 41 Tie Knot Types

Arranged alphabetically, we have the…

  1. Atlantic Knot
  2. Balthus Knot
  3. Boutonniere Knot
  4. Bow-Tie Knot
  5. Cafe Knot
  6. Cape Knot
  7. Capsule Knot
  8. Cavendish Knot
  9. Christensen Knot
  10. Diagonal Knot
  11. Eldredge Knot
  12. Ellie Knot
  13. Eric Glennie Braided Knot
  14. Fishbone Knot
  15. Four Rings Knot
  16. Four-In-Hand Knot
  17. Full Windsor Knot
  18. Grantchester Knot
  19. Grantchester Knot
  20. Half Windsor Knot
  21. Hanover Knot
  22. Kelvin Knot
  23. Krasny Hourglass Knot
  24. Linwood Taurus Knot
  25. Merovingian Knot
  26. Murrel Knot
  27. Nicky Knot
  28. Onassis Knot
  29. Oriental Knot
  30. Persian Knot
  31. Plattsburgh Knot
  32. Pratt Knot
  33. Prince Albert
  34. Rose Knot
  35. Simple Knot
  36. St Andrew Knot
  37. Trinity Knot
  38. True Love Knot
  39. Van Wijk Knot
  40. Victoria Knot
  41. Your Own Knot

I bet you never most of knew these tie types. On the average, a man knows just about four or five different ways to tie a tie.

Before we proceed further, it's important to know that your shirt's collar shape can influence the type of tie knot you are putting on. Adorning a tie knot that isn't in harmony with your shirt's collar shape makes you look awkward, and you end up looking like a clown.

Now, let's get down to the main business… I hope you've got your writing materials ready cos we are about to start our knot tying tutorial… #smiles  🙂

Have you read our insightful Guide on Buying Watches for Men?

The Atlantic Knot

Here's a step by step image infographic on how to tie the Atlantic tie.

Atlantic knot image infographic
Atlantic Knot
  1. Place your tie on your neck; the thin end will be on your left and the wider end will be on your right. Make sure the thin end extends longer than the wider end – it should touch your belt if possible.
  2. Make a slight dimple on the wider end. You can choose to skip this step if you don't want the dimple on the tie.
  3. Next, cross the thin end over the top of the wider end and around it. Pass it through the back of the tie and out to the front.
  4. Pass it again around the back to your right side and then pass it through the top of the tie through the loop you made by placing a finger or two.
  5. Adjust the tie and tighten the loose areas. Voila! You've successfully knotted the Atlantic Tie Knot.

Watch the video tutorial below.

That was easy, wasn't it?

The Balthus Knot

Here's a step by step tutorial on how to tie a Balthus Knot which was invented by Polish-French artist, Balthasar Klossowski in the early 1930s.

Balthus knot image infographic
  1. Place your tie on your neck with the back of the tie facing outside and the wider end to your right and the thin end to your left. The thin end should be shorter than the wider end.
  2. Take the wider end and pass it under the thin end and then up through the top so it comes out to the right.
  3. Pass it again through the top and it should come out to the left.
  4. Next, pass it through the top and it should come out to the right.
  5. Lastly, with a finger or two in place to make a loop, take it to the left and pass it under to the top and then pass it through the loop where your fingers are. Adjust the tie and you are good to go.

Here's the video explanation of how to tie the Balthus Knot.

Pretty easy, right?

The Boutonniere Knot

Boutonniere-Knot image infographic
Boutonniere-Knot/ Photo-TrendyBharat

"Boutonniere" is the French word for buttonhole. The boutonniere is a floral attachment that men often attach to their suit lapels for weddings. Whoever invented the Boutonniere Knot probably loved wearing it with the boutonniere attached to his suit lapel.

Well, that's by the way. Below is the step by step process on how t0 tie a boutonniere knot.

    1. Place the tie on your neck with the wider end to your right and the thin end to your left. The wider end should be shorter than the thin end.
    1. Make a dimple on the wide end, although you can choose not to.
    1. Cross the thin end over to the right and up through the back to the front.
    1. Pass the thin end again under the wider end to the right and up through the front to the back and take it to your left.
    1. Pass the thin end through the top to the back and take it to the right. Repeat this process again three more times passing it to the right, to the left, and to the right respectively each time.
  1. The little remaining part should be tucked in under your collar as in the video below. Finally, adjust the tie until it suits your neck perfectly. The Boutonniere knot compliment's big shirt collars.

Here's a Video on How to tie the Boutonniere Knot

That was easy, wasn't it?

The Bow-Tie Knot

Below is the step by step procedure and video for tying a bow tie.

BOW-TIE image infographic
BOW-TIE/ Photo-RealMenRealStyle
  1. Place the tie on your neck. Remember, we are using a bow shaped tie and not the conventional tie. Make sure one end is longer than the other.
  2. Cross the longer end over the shorter end and pass it through the top from the back.
  3. Place the shorter side in position and pull down the longer side over from the top. It should cross the short one in the middle just like in the video below.
  4. Pass the longer end behind the shorter end through the loop there. Make sure the center is in position.
  5. Adjust the tie by pulling opposite ends of the tie.

Here's the video tutorial that shows how easy it is to get this done.

The Cafe Knot

cafe knot image infographic
Cafe knot/ Photo-RealMenRealStyle

The Cafe Knot is one tie knot that isn't easy to tie. However, with constant practice, you'll become a pro in doing it. It looks best with medium spread collars and I'm sure you'll definitely stand out.

Here's the step by step procedure.

  1. Place the tie around your neck with the wider end to your right and the thin end to your left. The thin end should be longer than the wider end.
  2. Cross the thin end over the wide end and then bring the narrow end under and through the top.
  3. Again, cross the thin end behind the wider end and bring it around to the front.
  4. Next, take the thin end and pass it under through the neck opening and pass it behind the wider end and then from the top over and through the neck opening.
  5. Then, pass the narrow end through the loop that formed behind the tie. Finally, adjust the tie till it fits perfectly.

Here's the video tutorial on how to tie the Cafe Knot.

Not so difficult to tie, or was it?

The Cape Knot Necktie

cape-knot-infographic image
Cape Knot/ Photo-AgreeOrDie

So you're interested in learning how to tie the Cape Necktie Knot? Here's the step by step procedure and video for this tie knot type.

  1. Place the tie on your neck with the wider end to your right and shorter than the thin end which will be longer and on your left side. You can make a dimple on the wider end if you so desire.
  2. Take the thin end and cross it over the top of the bigger end and over through the top from the back and take it back to your left-hand side position where it was before.
  3. Next, pass the thin end again around the back of the wider end and around it up front back to your left side and pass it to the front and to the left side.
  4. Pass the thin end again around the wide end over to the right and then through the top into the loop that formed. Adjust the tie till it tightens up. You now have your cape knot.

Watch the video tutorial below.

Easy as ABC! There's a variation I've seen. It's the Bow Tie Cape Knot, but it certainly doesn't look good.

The Capsule Knot

Here's the step by step guide on how to tie the Capsule Knot

Capsule Knot image infographic
Capsule Knot/ Photo-Pinterest
  1. Place the tie on your neck with the wider end to your right and the thin end to your left. The thin end should be longer than the wider end. Optionally, you can make a dimple on the wide end.
  2. Pass the thin end over the wider end and then through the top from the back to the front and cross it over to the left where it was before.
  3. Next, pass it under the wider end and cross it through over the front back to the left side.
  4. Pass the thin end again from the back through the top to the front and over to the left side.
  5. Next, pass the thin end over the back to the right and pass it through the top and take it to the left.
  6. There would be two loops formed in the front of the tie at this point. Pass the thin end through those two loops to the right side, then pass it under and touch it behind your collar.
  7. Adjust your tie until it tightens up.

Here's the video tutorial below.

The Capsule Knot is a pretty tough necktie knot to tie…

The Cavendish Necktie Knot

Here's the step by step guide on how to tie the Cavendish knot.

cavendish knot infographic
Cavendish Knot/ Photo-Pinterest
  1. Place the tie on your neck with the wider end to your left and the thin end to your right.
  2. Next, cross the wider end over the thin end to the right and under it to the left.
  3. Then again, cross the wider end over the thin end and pass it from the back up through to the front left.
  4. Next, cross the wider end of the tie under the thin end to the right and cross it over the thin end to the left. Then, pass it through the neck from the back through to the front and then pass it through the last loop made when it was crossed over from right to left.
  5. Adjust your tie till it fits your neck nicely.

Here's the video tutorial below.

There you have it. Pretty easy I guess… Don't forget to use the share button.

The Christensen Knot

The Christensen Knot is also known as the Cross Knot which is casual by nature and fits shirts with full sized collars perfectly.

Christensen Knot image infographic
Christensen Knot/ Photo-RealMenRealStyle
  1. Place the tie on your neck with the wider end to your right and the thin end to your left. Make sure the wider end is far longer than the thin end.
  2. Cross the wide end over the thin end and bring it around to the other side and then pass it through the top down, then, take it to the left side.
  3. Placing two fingers on your the already forming knot and wrap the wide end twice around those fingers.
  4. Next, pass the wide end from the back over to the front through the loop you made with your fingers.
  5. Adjust the knot till the tie fits your neck perfectly.

Here's the video tutorial on how to tie the Christensen Knot.

More tie knots coming soon!!

Want to be the Bow Tie Guy that steals all the attention? Here are some useful insights on wearing bow ties

How to Tie a Cape Knot Step by Step
