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Transition Words List


Transition words and phrases are used in order to organize the thoughts and ideas in a particular text. When used properly, a transition word can serve as a bridge that takes the readers from one idea to another, and will help improve the overall coherence of the write-up. Just to make sure that everyone's on the same page, coherence is a very important aspect in writing which adds to how continuous and easy to understand the text is. The list shown below provides a wide variety of transition words and phrases that you can use depending on the kind of relationship that you want to convey.

transitions graphic

  1. Transition Words Used for Adding Information
  • and
  • additionally
  • afterward
  • equally important
  • moreover
  • after
  • again
  • also
  • first
  • at last
  • thus
  • at the same time
  • besides
  • embracing
  • initially
  • concurrently
  • as mentioned earlier
  • furthermore
  • eventually
  • at length
  • extending
  • further
  • in addition
  • and then
  • in conclusion
  • too
  • other
  • finally
  • including
  • another
  • encompassing
  • later
  • likewise
  • meanwhile
  • as was previously stated
  • next
  • overall
  • presently
  • previously
  • second
  • consequently
  • what's more
  • since
  • soon
  • subsequently
  • supplementing
  • then
  • simultaneously
  • now
  • following this
  • so too
  • to begin with
  • while
  • a further
  • nor
  • moreover
  • last
  1. Transition Words Used to Show Contrast
  • but
  • although
  • conversely
  • Though this may be
  • despite
  • however
  • in contrast
  • inspite of
  • counter to
  • instead
  • otherwise
  • namely
  • regardless
  • but another
  • a clear difference
  • nonetheless
  • a distinct difference
  • rather
  • a strong distinction
  • at the same time
  • conversely
  • nevertheless
  • not withstanding
  • on the other hand
  • indeed
  • still
  • though
  • yet
  • the reverse of
  • to oppose
  • to differentiate
  • even though
  • on the contrary
  • for all that
  • and yet
  • despite the fact that
  • contrarily
  • while
  • or
  • although this may be true
  • even so
  • by contrast
  • up against
  • in opposition to
  • an opposing view
  • balanced against
  • against
  • alternatively
  1. Transition Words Used in Giving Examples
  • for example
  • in other words
  • an analogy
  • to show
  • for one thing
  • consider
  • to bring to light
  • take the case of
  • as an example
  • consider as an illustration
  • in one example
  • for instance
  • in this situation
  • on this occasion
  • to illuminate
  • to illustrate
  • that is
  • such as
  • suppose that
  • specifically
  • to be exact
  • to exemplify
  • in particular
  • to demonstrate
  • as an illustration
  1. Transition Words Used in Summarizing or Concluding
  • to sum up
  • therefore
  • accordingly
  • to summarize
  • as has been noted
  • in short
  • as I have said
  • in brief
  • as I have shown
  • on the whole
  • summing up
  • to conclude
  • it follows
  • as a consequence
  • as a result
  • consequently
  • hence
  • to sum up
  • in conclusion
  • therefore
  • in sum
  • so
  • then
  • thus
  1. Transition Words Used to Show Concession/ Acceptance of an Idea
  • although this may be true
  • although it is true that
  • admittedly
  • naturally
  • granted
  • of course
  • certainly
  • it is true that
  • true
  1. Transition Words Used to Indicate Time Order
  • earlier
  • formerly
  • yesterday
  • recently
  • previously
  • of late
  • not long ago
  • at present
  • in the past
  • preceding
  • at the same time
  • immediately
  • right away
  • at this moment
  • until now
  • simultaneously
  • currently
  • by now
  • concurrently
  • after a short while
  • hereafter
  • thereafter
  • soon after
  • in the future
  • afterward
  • later on
  • while
  • right after
  1. Transition Words Used to Show Cause and Effect
  • therefore
  • thus
  • in view of
  • it follows that
  • so
  • on subsequently
  • account of
  • otherwise
  • owing to
  • the end result
  • the outcome
  • then
  • for this purpose
  • henceforth
  • due to
  • by reason of
  • furthermore
  • consequently
  • hence
  • caused by
  • because of this
  • for this reason
  1. Transition Words Used to Emphasize
  • most important of all
  • certainly
  • moreover
  • decidedly
  • in fact
  • definitely
  • especially
  • of great concern
  • furthermore
  • more emphatically
  • increasingly
  • important
  • indeed
  • equally important
  • most of all
  • of major concern
  • certainly
  • above all
  • after all
  • decidedly
  • especially
  • actually
  • definitely
  • as a matter of fact

9.Transition Words Used to Show Sequence

  • after that
  • in the second place
  • following that
  • second/secondly
  • immediately
  • following
  • on the next occasion
  • later on
  • in turn
  • next
  • at the beginning
  • at the onset
  • commencing with
  • from this point
  • in the first place
  • to begin with
  • initially
  • at first
  • once upon a time
  • starting with

  1. Transition Words Used in Comparing
  • correspondingly
  • however
  • in contrast
  • in like manner
  • equal
  • equally important
  • equivalent
  • of little difference
  • in the same way
  • identical
  • nevertheless
  • in a similar
  • fashion
  • in comparison
  • likewise
  • as well as
  • balanced against
  • compared to
  • correlate
  • consistent with
  • along the same lines
  • correspondingly
  • comparable

  1. Transition Words Used to Indicate Purpose
  • so that
  • to this end
  • for this purpose
  • for that reason
  • because of this

  1. Transition Words Used to State an Exception
  • sometimes
  • in spite of
  • yet
  • nevertheless
  • despite
  • once in a while
  • however
  • still
  • of course

As you can see in this sample list, there are many Transition words and phrases and you can probably come up with more! Just be sure to use them appropriately because they are very important. Transitional words can make your writing shift smoothly from one idea to the next, making it clear and easy to read. But you wouldn't want to confuse your reader by using them incorrectly!

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